The region is comprised of areas located within its geographic boundaries. The region supports areas and groups by providing opportunities for them to communicate with each other, acting on behalf of their common interest and encouraging growth of the fellowship. The structure consists of the regional service committee (RSC) and the regional service assembly (RA). The RSC’s purpose is to plan for the general improvement of groups and areas by holding regular business meetings, and to conduct assemblies.
This website is specifically for the Southern California Region, which is one of three regions currently established in California.
For a complete list of all regions as well as their websites, please Click Here
All officers are elected every two years at Regional Assemblies by Group Service Representatives. The elected offices are:
Chair - Presides over meetings of the RSC and RA, directly involved in setting the agenda for the Region
Vice Chair - Works with the Chair on fulfilling the regional agenda and assumes Chair's responsibilities in the event of their absences or if the Chair position becomes vacated. (*position currently vacant)
Secretary - Prepare minutes from the RSC and RA
Treasurer - Responsible for the regional funds
In addition, the following positions are elected to represent the SoCal region at the World Service Conference:
Alternate Delegate
Click Here to learn about the subcommittees within this region and the volunteer opportunities available.
At all levels of Nar-Anon, all members and officers should be bound by Nar-Anon’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service.